What Happened to Vade Nutrition After Shark Tank?

Protein supplements out there can help give you the dream body once you start taking them but how much is the right amount?

What if I told you only a scoop of protein is enough to give your body the much-needed build? Thanks to Vade nutrition!! The product is a protein pod that comes in a food-grade dissolvable membrane that magically vanishes once blended or shaken in any drink may it be milk, water, or an energy drink.   

Vade Nutrition at a glance:

BUSINESS IDEAFood grade Dissolvable Whey Protein packets
FOUNDERJoe Johnson And Megan Johnson
ASKED FOR$250,000 For 10%
ACCEPTED OFFER$700,000 For 40%
SHARKMark Cuban And Alex Rodriguez
WEBSITEVade nutrition


Who owns Vade Nutrition?

This story has some weight. The founder Joe and Meghan Johnson came across as being a wrestler in the town of Michigan and Meghan was a cheerleader in Arizona. When Meghan came to Michigan they married and soon had a son known as Noah.

The idea of creating the product illuminated them when they came across the many bottles and scoops of protein that had got wasted in the car. That is when they knew they needed a solution. They knew that such a product would need some time to come into the market therefore they never lost hope and went on their path for success.

Did Vade Nutrition get a deal on Shark Tank?

The husband-and-wife pair enter the shark tank seeking $250,000 for 10% equity in their business. The sharks are explained that the product is a whey protein that has been packed in a food-grade packaging that is easily dissolvable in any drink. They make a presentation regarding the product and how to use it.

Next, each of the sharks is given samples and not everyone likes the taste except Lori who loves it. The sales for the year were as low as $80,000 with them earning $30,000 in the last month.

They could not go high on their annual sales because the supplier had supplied a bad batch of the product to them. Mark believes that they need to improve the delivery side of things and offers them $250,000 for 20%. Lori pitches in and says she can help in the packaging when Alex Rodrigues intervenes and asks mark if he can partner up offering Vade Nutrition $700,000 for 40% of the business. Joe and Meghan accept the offer.

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What happened to Vade Nutrition after the shark tank?

The deal they hoped for never worked out as the investors’ Mark and Alex never really helped them build the business after the deal was accepted on shark tank. They never raised the revenue or helped in sales or delivery of the product. The business is still in progress.

This simple but on-the-go protein substitute comes in two packets namely: 100% Whey protein and 100% plant meal replacement. They are available in three irresistible flavors vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. The other products on offer are mainly pre-workout packs, extreme pre work out packs, shaker bottles, combo packs, and sample packs.

Vade nutrition Shark tank update
Vade Nutrition Revenue

Revenue changed from 80,000 to 6 million from the years 2016 to 2021. They sell the product on amazon and their own website. The product sells for $29.99 to $44.99.

Vade Nutrition Competitors:

  • Health Quest
  • The care teams
  • Health care associates and community
  • US medical management
  • Powerhouse gym
  • Fifth eye and many more.

Is Vade Nutrition still in business?

Yes, the company is profitable as it has made its mark in the protein shake industry by being the most searched product on google. The company has seen massive sales from when it started in 2016 to now (2021). The company still sells on amazon and its own website.

Interesting Facts about Vade Nutrition:

  • Each packet of 100% whey isolate contains 90 calories, 20g protein, and is sugar-free, gluten-free, and lactose-free.
  • Each packet of 100% plant substitute meal comprises 3.2 g Beta-Alanine, 260mg Caffeine, 400 mg PEAK ATP, and 1.5 g Nitrosigine
  • Upon subscription to the website of Vade nutrition you get some power-packed benefits like a 15% discount, free shipping, cancel anytime, and free gifts.
  • This company has a Vade Wholesale Programme as well.

Future Prospects:

Vade hopes to expand and has a lot of plans to build the company going forward. Some of these things are concept discussion with large companies, the introduction of new products, and licensing all putting their power-packed motivation into the game.

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Related Articles:

What is Vade Nutrition?

The product is a protein pod that comes in a food-grade dissolvable membrane that magically vanishes once blended or shaken in any drink may it be milk, water, or an energy drink.   

Who founded Vade Nutrition?

The founders are Joe and Meghan Johnson.

Did Vade Nutrition get a deal on shark tank?

Yes, Vade Nutrition got a deal with Alex Rodrigues and Mark Cuban.

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