What Happened to Sand Cloud After Shark Tank?

Want to do something for the oceans and wildlife in it? Then just buy a towel from Sand Cloud and you will be donating to the conservation of ocean and aquatic wildlife with each purchase.

The product is multi-purpose and can be used in three major ways as a beach towel in summer, As a scarf in winter, and as a decorative tapestry in your home. They claim to be the most stylish gifts in the market for any use.

Sand Cloud at a Glance:

Business ideaTurkish cotton handmade towels in vibrant colors and designs 
FounderBrandon Letbel, Bruno Aschidamini, and Steve Ford
Asked for200,000 for 8%
Accepted deal200,000 for 15%
SharksRobert Herjavec
Business statusIn business
EpisodeSeason 8 Episode 18
WebsiteSand Cloud


Founder Story:

The trio of Brandon Letbel, Bruno Aschidamini, and Steve Ford are the saviors behind this whole cause and they thought it was high time that the standard towels got a makeover.

The product of sand cloud was born with a multipurpose and soft-to-touch feeling that had vibrant colors to match the occasion. The cause to save marine wildlife came with the idea of having sustainable products. From the creation of the product to packaging everything has sustainability in mind.

Did Shark Tank invest in sand cloud?

The pitch was a joyride as well as a hilarious one as the sharks were portrayed to promote the standard towels that we use every day. The trio introduces themselves and the product and tell to the sharks about the product’s multiutility value.

Brandon tells them that they are here to seek an investment of $200,000 for 8% of their company’s sand cloud. The next thing talked about is the cause they are fighting for. A question about the sales is asked to which the answer is to be $300,000.

The first one to make an offer to the trio is Mark he makes an offer of $400,000 for 25% of the company. The three of them discuss and tell Mark that the equity is on the high side and they would like to listen to the offers given by other sharks. Mark is out.

The next one to give the offer is Daymond at $300,000 for 25%. They counter the offer by asking for $200,000 for 10%. Daymond says you were asking for 200,000 for 8% you only increased by 2%. Finally, he remarks that we are nowhere in the same universe I am out.

See also  What Happened to LavaBox after Shark Tank?

Next comes Kevin who asks for $200,000 for 15%. Roberts says he’s asking for the same offer and states that he knows and has invested in a company similar to their company which he knows inside out.

After a round of discussion, they accept the offer of $200,000 for 15%. They walk out with a deal with Robert at $200,000 for 15% of the company.

How is sand cloud doing after Shark Tank?

The deal with Robert saw an increase in their followers for the company. The increase was 13000 hits in a day which was way better off than the previous 600. The company is all set to make $7 million in sales out of which they plan to donate $ 1 million to the conservation of oceanic life.

  • The product comes in a number of vibrant colors and styles.
  • Each design is unique.
  • They come many varieties all made from Turkish cotton
  • The product lightweight
  • and multiutility.                                                                                                                                                                
  • The product has hand towels and bath towels on offer.
  • The product purchased go as a donation to marine-related NGOs in the country
  • The company offers products for the kitchen, Home, and Sustainable drinkware for its customers.
  • The product is sand resistant and comes in a light and compact piece fit to use on the beach in any weather.


  • Tower
  • Pure zone
  • Ten Tree
  • Seafolly
  • Busy man
  • Slant promotions
  • Link soul and many more…

What is sand cloud worth today?

At the time of the shark tank appearance, Sand Cloud was valued at around $1.34 million.

Is Sand Cloud still in business?

Yes, Sand Cloud is still in business. To generate more sales and to save marine life has always been their dream and they continue to do so. This company started off smoothly with a wise number of sales in 2016 and has much further to go. Let’s see where the ocean takes them now.

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Related Articles:

What is Sand Cloud?

A towel that has multi-purpose properties and can be used in three major ways as a beach towel in summer, As a scarf in winter, and as a decorative tapestry in your home. They claim to be the most stylish gifts in the market for any use.

Who founded Sand Cloud ?

Sand Cloud was founded by Brandon Letbel, Bruno Aschidamini, and Steve Ford

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