What Happened to Bad Birdie After Shark Tank?

The dream of golf as a game is slowly drifting away but it has created a business for golf apparel for this new business named Bad Birdie. This company Bad Birdie has distinct products to bring out the creativity in you while playing the sport.

With the love for the sport still alive the players look and feel alive once they wear the products on offer by this company. The wide variety and categories on offer will surprise you and want you to ask for more. The company was founded in 2017.

Bad Birdie at a glance:

EPISODE NOSeason 11 Episode 18
BUSINESS IDEAStylish Golf Polos
FOUNDERJason Richardson
ASKED FOR$300,000 For 10%
ACCEPTED OFFER$300,000 For 20%
SHARKRobert Herjavec


Who is the founder of Bad Birdie?

Looking for a better top to where for his favorite game of golf Jason Richardson felt he was in a fix. He thought that the products were too boring to wear for the game, that is when it struck him the idea to create new vibrant colors for the new polos and hats to accompany the same.

Did Bad Birdie get a deal on Shark Tank?

The golf enthusiast entered the shark tank seeking $300,000 for 10 % of his apparel business. He allows the sharks to discover about the limited-edition shirts he has on offer in his business and tells them about them with pride. He next talks about the sales he has had in the year 2019 that is $ 1 million and sparks on his efforts about retail outlets where he can sell the product.

The sharks encourage him to continue with the online sales of the product as he has already got a grip on the demographic and they are impressed with the sales. The discussion about retail once done, the offer comes.

Kevin is the first to make the offer of $300,000 for 30% with a backup. Then comes Robert’s turn who offers $300,000 for 25%. The highlight of the show was the game of golf played by Robert. This was the reason for the deal. Let’s see how? The deal was if he puts the ball into the hole the deal would go to 20% and if he misses the deal will be agreed at 25%.

The end result is that Robert misses and they have a deal at $300,000 for 25% with no backup.  

What happened to Bad Birdie after the shark tank?

After the deal on the shark tank was sealed with Robert. There was not much change in the business sales after the show aired, but there were evident changes that took place on the website. The products were displayed in a better format and the website was juiced up since the date it aired. There were problems related to inventory and restocking in the covid 19 pandemic that caused challenges for the company. These problems were soon solved.

See also  Proven Shark Tank Update

The products on offer are divided into 5 categories namely: Polos, Muni kits, Q zips, Hats, and Women.

  • The new polos are sold for $72.00 each.
  • Each one has an interesting name to match the one-of-a-kind design on the polo.
  • Hats are available in colors white and black. They sell for $30.00. while the sun bucket hat costs $35.00
  • The hats are available in the following types: Bad rope hat, sun bucket hat, birdie snapback, script hat, trucker hat, birdies beanie, dad hat, and, sloth hat.
  • Muni kits are the leisurewear available at the bad birdie that ranges in cost of $70.00 for the sweats to $85.00 for the hoodie.

The same designs are available for women also the greatest hits are famous some of them are: Lush, Wildlife, Tropics, Cali, Mingos, and many more.  

Bad Birdie shark tank update
Bad Birdie Revenue

Their sale is all online from the start of their business to this day. The revenue is increased from $400,000 to $500,000. All the sales happen on the website. The reviews for the product are quite interesting and all of the families and couples love the product.    

What is Bad Birdie worth?

At the time of the shark tank appearance, Bad Birdie was valued at around $1.5 million. The product has continued to grow its business by opening its first retail store in November and now has 1000 retail stores to sell in. They created a limited edition with Michelob Ultra in October. They increased their relationship with the Condor cup.

Competitor’s analysis of Bad Birdie:

Some competitors are:

  • J.Crew
  • Forever 21
  • Gap
  • Zulily
  • Belk
  • Express
  • Pac sun and many more.

Interesting Facts about Bad Birdie:

  • The idea for the business came when the founder found the available apparel was boring.
  • The polos are made for sports persons and athletes
  • Quarter zips are the new concept they have in store.
  • He was just 12 when he was a golf caddy.
  • The hardest thing in the business was to come up with a name for it.

Is Bad Birdie still in business?

The company has made its plans to stand tall as the business is growing through its contacts. The company has increased its sales due to the increased interest in the game of golf after covid.  The company has seen many positive responses to its products and it continues to do so.

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Related Articles:

What is Bad Birdie?

Bad Birdie has distinct products to bring out the creativity in you while playing golf, they added stylish Golf polos in the world of Golf.

Who founded Bad Birdie?

Jason Richardson is the brainchild of Bad Birdie.

Did Bad Birdie get a deal on shark tank?

Yes, Bad birdie got a deal with Robert on shark tank

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