NightCap Shark Tank Update

Nightcap is a unique and safe way to help people against the huge problem of drink spiking. Nightcap comes in the form of a Scrunchie, which can be worn on wrists. The Scrunchie contains a fabric cover for the glass or drinks cups with a straw hole. The cap can cover the drink cup and shut tight with the help of an elastic.

With Nightcap, the user is good to go. Night Caps are a device that may be used as an excellent method for outside protection. Night Caps is not a standard hairband, it offers a customized product and is available on the online platform.

NightCap at Glance:-

IdeaDrink Cover and Spike prevention Srcunchie
FoundersShirah Benarde and Michael Benarde
Asked For$60,000 for 20% equity
Accepted Deal$60,000 for 25% equity
SharksLori Greiner
Business statusIn business
Episode No.Season 12, Episode 12
Buy on AmazonBuy Now!


Who was the Founder of NightCap?

Shirah and Michael Bemired, the Bernard siblings, are the founders of Nightcap. Shirah had heard about a lot of crimes taking place, especially against women, because of drink spiking. They don’t know when, who and someone spikes their drink up at parties, leading to them being in a vulnerable situation afterward and being taken advantage of.

Shirah was just seventeen years old when she developed the first prototype for Nightcap and Michael saw it, liked the cause and idea, and decided to help his sister. Their good work has been awarded Tallahassee Start-up Week’s Annual Pitch Competition, FSU’s Turkey Tank, FSU’s Jim Moran Micro-Grant, and Florida State University’s InNOLEvation Challenge.

Did NightCap get a deal on the Shark Tank?

Sirah and Michael a duo came on the show in search of an investment of $60,000 for 10% equity for their business expansion. Just within 10 minutes of pitch, it impressed Lori so much that she said that it should be in the hands of every woman. Lori immediately gave an offer of $60,000 for 25 % of the company and justified her offer by saying that she would help her to blow on social media, Lori seemed very excited with the product.

Barbara Corcoran said that she had never seen Lori so passionate about any product. Barbara urged them to go with the Lori Deal. All the sharks were somehow out of the pitch as Lori had already snatched the business from all the sharks with her kindness and intelligence. The duo accepted the deal of Lori and took their check and the pitch got closed.

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What happened to NightCap after the Shark Tank?

After the show, the deal between Lori and Night Cap was closed and was also listed on Lori’s website. After their appearance on the show, the sales blew their mind. Their newly redesigned website they were about three weeks out on shipping due to the sustained publicity.

In the year 2021, Lori announced that a singer and songwriter had joined their team as she was also concerned about drinking Spiking. At the end of the year 2021, the month of December, Night Cap rolled out a keychain version of the product, which will be as the drink will be in a little pouch that can be attached to a Keychain.

Night Cap also got an update segment in episode  1318. In the latest segment, they did $2.1 million in sales in the same year they appeared on Shark Tank. They also shared that it will come in different colors, they had also shared about Julia Michael’s investment in the company. Currently, they are running 12% of their sales in the UK.

Night Cap has products like NightCap Scrunchie for $11.99, Night Cap Scrunchie family pack for $39.99, Night Cap Color Scrunchie Pack for $39.99, and Night Cap Gift pack for $71.99.

Competitors of NightCap:-

  • Tane McClure
  • Kim Yates
  • Raquel Devine

What is the net worth of NightCap?

The net worth of Night Cap is $240,000 and still going on and on in sales which means its net worth will also be increased in the upcoming years.

Is NightCap still in business?

Night Cap is still in business and doing great, Bizz Bucket wishes them great success ahead, and also, all the future updates will be done.

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What is NightCap?

Nightcap is a unique and safe way to help people against the huge problem of drink spiking. Nightcap comes in the form of a Scrunchie, which can be worn on wrists.

Who founded NightCap?

Shirah and Michael Bemired, the Bernard siblings, are the founders of Nightcap. Shirah had heard about a lot of crimes taking place, especially against women, because of drink spiking.

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