Guesstimate Example #4 | How many people all over the world watched the Cricket World Cup Final on television?

Q. How many people all over the world watched the Cricket World Cup Final on television?


  1. Cricket is usually watched in countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Australia, England, New Zealand and other countries with a high Indian subcontinent Population.
    2) The population of India is 1300 million.
    3) The population of Pakistan is 200 million.
    4) The population of Bangladesh is 150 million.
    5) The population of Australia is 25 million.
    6) The population of England is 50 million.
    7) The population of New Zealand is 5 million.
    8) The population of the US is 300 Million.
    9) The population of Sri Lanka 20 million
    10) Viewers who haven’t watched the whole match have also been counted.


Cricket being the most famous sport in the Indian Subcontinent about 60% of people must have watched the World Cup Final.
Cricket being a major sport in England, Australia, and New Zealand about 40% of people must have watched World Cup Final

The percentage of Indian Subcontinent people in the US is about 5%. Assuming 40% of those to watch final.

Total number of people who watched World Cup Final
= .6*( 1300+200+150+20) + .4*(50+5+25) +.05*.8*(300) millions
= 1002 + 32 +24 + 6  millions
= 1,064 Millions
=1.064 Billion people

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