What Happened to Lugbug After Shark Tank?

Are you getting sick and tired of carrying your child in a basket from here to there and is there a simpler solution than the handle provided?

Yes, presenting to you Lugbug, The first-ever ergonomically designed handle that clips onto the baby seat in a matter of minutes with no harm to the wrist or arm of the carrier.

This problem was handled quite well by the founder of Lugbug who had dislocated his arm in the process. This easy clip-on handle is sturdy and adapts well to the needs of the user.

It has the additional feature of being able to be rotated in the needed form and direction making it easier and even more convenient.

Lugbug at a glance:

BUSINESS IDEAComfortable attachment for any baby car seat carrier
ASKED FOR$300,000 For 10%
Buy on AmazonBuy Now


Who is the Founder of Lugbug?

After dislocating his arm, the founder Nathan Day found it difficult to use his arm but that didn’t stop the arrival of the handle that was designed to help all the mothers in the world. The handle had been designed with the ingenuity of its own and is solving a pressing problem in today’s world.

The idea behind ergonomically designed means the product when used keeps the arms perpendicular to the handle allowing it to be comfortable when used.

Did Lugbug get a deal on Shark Tank?

The pitch was handled well by the owner Nathan Day, but all the sharks didn’t buy it. Let’s see why? Nathan Day enters the shark tank seeking an investment of $300,000 for 10% equity of the company.

The pitch started off with the demonstration of the product by Robert’s wife carrying two baby seats attached with the Lugbug handles. She says the product is comfortable and easy to use and leaves the stage for Nathan Day.

Next comes the question about the sales of the product which is $238,000 in its lifetime, with $198,000 coming last year. Nathan also told the sharks he has invested $750,000 for licensing and tooling.

Robert is the first one to go out as he believes he cannot make this into a business opportunity. Slowly one by one the rest of the sharks are out as well. Unfortunately, Nathan Day walked out of the shark tank with no deal.

What happened to Lugbug after the shark tank?

The deal with the sharks on the shark tank never happened and this affected the sales of the product. The company can be said to be on hold as of now as the CEO of the company is said to be the CEO of Cypress Development Group. The handles are sold on the website of Nathan Day’s LinkedIn profile as of today. There are two product lines for this company:

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1. Handles for baby seats: these seats have a clip-on handle that helps to carry the baby around for hours helping the guardian with its rotation mechanism

2. Baby apparel – Their apparel is the next product they hope to come up with soon.

The company is currently selling the products on the LinkedIn profile of the owner, CEO, and Founder Nathan Day. They were selling the product before shark tank on their website and Amazon. The product is sold for a cost of $39.99 and costs $5.92 to make.

Currently, Lugbug is not operational as all its handles have been sold out, and their apparel is available on various social media platforms like Amazon, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. With the exception of LinkedIn, where they use it to promote the product, they are no longer selling, but are active on social media, where they post updates.

What’s the net worth of Lugbug?

At the time of the shark tank appearance, Lugbug was valued at around $3 million.

Interesting Facts about Lugbug:

  • The product is able to hold a weight of 1000 pounds in one carry.
  • Lugbug apparel also follows the theme of saving the environment by making the product out of renewable resources as well as long-lasting fabric
  • All the handles in their varied colors have been sold out.
  • The apparel is still up for grabs on their website and Amazon.
  • All mothers and veterans love the product and have given very good reviews about the product online.

Is Lugbug still in business?

Lugbug has stopped functioning currently with all its handles sold out and the apparel up for grabs on some of its social handles like amazon and profiles like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. They are no longer selling, except the LinkedIn route which he used to spread awareness of the product and add posts on their social media websites.

They dreamed big but could not last. The only things left for sale are the apparel product line and the handles can be seen sold in minimal on some sites only. Only if they could handle this better it would have led to selling more handles successfully.

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Related Articles:

What is Lugbug?

The first-ever ergonomically designed handle clips onto the baby seat in a matter of minutes with no harm to the wrist or arm of the carrier.

Who founded Lugbug?

After dislocating his arm, the founder Nathan Day found it difficult to use his arm but that didn’t stop the arrival of the handle that was designed to help all the mothers in the world.

Did Lugbug get a deal on shark tank

Unfortunately, Nathan Day walked out of the shark tank with no deal.

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