What Happened to Sleep Styler After Shark Tank?

Sleep Styler is introduced as a revolutionary hair styling product that curl’s your hair overnight without any effort.

This product is used to curls your hair while you sleep, sleep styler saves your time, curls your hair without damaging it, and gives you beautiful results.

Sleep Styler is formed and introduced by Mrs. Tara Brown into the show. The product is made up of super-absorbing yoga towel fabric along with memory foam inside for ultra-softness, its design is developed to maximize the airflow.

Sleep styler comes in a well-packed bag that contains 8 sleep stylers in it along with a proper manual and a brand logo in it.

Sleep Styler at a glance

Episode NoSeason 8, Episode 19
FounderTara Brown
Business IdeaHair fashion accessories.
Asked For$75,000 for 20% of equity.
Accepted Deal$75,000 for 25%o of equity.
SharksLori Greiner.
Business StatusIn Business.
WebsiteSleep Styler
Buy on AmazonBuy Now!


Founder Story:

The sleep styler is designed by Tara Brown a mother of two children, the idea to develop this is coming from their problems to keep their hair healthy and unfrizzy, being a mom, she didn’t get time to style her hair and make their hair healthy.

One day when she was working on her daughter’s hair her hairs are very wet so she braided them overnight and found some waves in it in next morning, then they tried it for some time and finally, they introduced her product.

Did Sleep Styler gets a deal on Shark Tank?

Tara introduced its products to all sharks and shows a video to explain to them how it works. She gives a sample of their product to Sharks, that have good branding and packaging, a bag of Sleep Stylers contains 8 sleep stylers in it and they sell them at $39 costs Approx. $10 to manufacture and deliver.

Sleep Styler is launched just 2 months before the show and to make people aware of their product they introduced her 30 days campaign for $47,000, the product is exclusively available on the sleep styler’s website only.

They also explain about their sales of $6,000 that she made in 3 weeks of their business, Sleep Styler is also approached by various E-Commerce companies such as Amazon Launchpad, QVE and they have potential customers in Dubai to England.

The product segment is new and not related to the shark’s business areas, therefore, they all get back Except Lori Greiner who makes an offer of $75,000 but for 25% of their business, Tara accepts the deal and that’s how they got the deal on Shark-Tank.

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What happened to Sleep Styler after Shark Tank?

Sleep Style receives a massive hike in their sales under 50 minutes after the show as their demand for the product increased rapidly, just after one day the company pitched over $1 Million in sales.

After three weeks Lori Grainer’s company takes over the production of Sleep Styler and tie-up with various offline and online commercial companies, today sleep styler is available on QVC, Bed, Bath, Walmart, and Amazon. In just 3 months after the show, he reached over $50 Million in sales. This is the fastest-growing company in the country.

Competitors of Sleep Styler:

The idea and product both are new to the market and cannot be manufactured by someone else that why they rarely have any competition in the market also they have patents and copyright of the product that’s why no one can think about competing them in their market segment.

Net-Worth of Sleep Styler:

At the time of the shark tank appearance, Sleep Styler was valued at around $300,000. Sleep Styler is counted in a few of the shark tank businesses that receive huge success after the show as they introduced the new idea and new line of products into the market, they are the only ones who have the product.

Also, the demand for the product increases massively which leads to creating Sleep Styler Into a huge success.

  • In just after an hour of the show it receives an order of $50,000 or more.
  • After a day it pitched a sale of over $1 Million.
  • In just 3 months it receives sales of $50 Million.

That’s how the valuation of the company increases. Today the net worth of the company is over $100 Million and it’s increasing day by day.

Is Sleep Styler still in Business?

The company is still in business and creating recodes as today they sell their product in Walmart’s stores along with Amazon’s E-Commerce portal. Today the company is able to generate over $100 Million of sales and generates a net profit of $20 to $30 Million annually.

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Related Articles:

What is Sleep Styler?

Sleep Styler is introduced as a revolutionary hair styling product that curl’s your hair overnight without any effort. This product is used to curl your hair while you sleep, sleep styler saves your time, curls your hair without damaging it, and gives you beautiful results.

Who founded Sleep Styler?

The sleep styler is designed by Tara Brown a mother of two children, the idea to develop this is coming from their problems to keep their hair healthy and unfrizzy, being a mom, she didn’t get time to style her hair and make their hair healthy.

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