Seed Sheet Shark Tank Update

Everyone was learning a hobby during Covid-19 and I’m sure that many of you must have picked up gardening as one of your hobbies. Cameron Mackguler, the founder of Seed Sheet, a roll-out garden for home gardeners, has come up with an idea to make gardening more portable and affordable with customers being able to grow vegetables conveniently and be able to do so hassle-free.

This idea has the potential to change the home gardening industry completely and permanently. Will the sharks “grow” to like the idea? let’s find out.

Seed Sheet at a glance:

Business ideaEasy seeding technology for home gardeners
FounderCameron Mackguler
Asked for$500,000 for 10%
Accepted deal$500,000 for 20%
SharksLori Greiner
Business statusIn business
EpisodeSeason 8, Episode 20
WebsiteSeed Sheet
Buy on AmazonBuy Now!
Seed sheet at a glance.


Founder Story:

Cameron Mackguler, the founder of Seed Sheet, came up with the idea of a roll-out garden when he was at his friend’s 80-acre farm in 2012.

He liked the farm and wanted to start gardening, but he wanted a solution more fitted to his means. That’s when he got his idea and got right to it, asking for his friend’s child’s crayons to draw the initial design.

Did Seed Sheet get a deal on Shark Tank?

Cameron introduces himself to the sharks, asking $500,000 for 10% of his company, and starts off his pitch by explaining how his product works. He then introduces the sharks to Dan Rollman, an adjudicator from Record, and asks Mark Cuban to come forward and try his hand at creating a new world record for the highest number of precision-planted seeds,7000 of the same, in the shortest time. Mark agrees and is asked to roll a larger version of the seed sheet over a large area of soil, and he does so in 14.5 seconds, thus setting a new world record!

The founder then gives some samples to the sharks and answers their questions about the size, shape, and types of seeds present within the kit. Mark then asks his for backstory so Cameron tells them about his experience in architecture and environmental studies and how he had the idea when he was at his friend’s farm after he saw their garden.

Robert then asks about the numbers to which Cameron says that the basic item costs $14.99 to the customer and costs $1-3 to make, with them having around $156k in sales after being open for 20 months and 1 gardening season. Mark then mentions that he should turn to e-commerce instead of being dependent on retail. Daymond agrees with Mark and thinks that the company hasn’t reached that stage yet, which will cost a lot, so he backs out. Robert also goes out because he thinks that the new generation won’t really take to the product.

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Lori, Kevin, and Mark then come into the game when Lori first goes for a 22% stake, Kevin goes down to a 15% stake, and Mark says that he would like to go in with Lori but at higher equity. Cameron wants both Mark and Lori for a 20% stake, but Lori then declares she will do a deal at 20%, but alone, cutting out Mark and Kevin tries to bait Cameron with 12.5%, but Lori insists that Cameron take her deal and he does so.

What happened to Seed Sheet after Shark Tank?

After appearing on shark tank, the company earned around $1.5million worth of sales in just 2 years post-shark tank, with Lori also creating a video of her in her own garden, demonstrating how to use the product. In 2020, they have stopped all retail sales to focus solely on E-commerce.

They have removed the $14.99 version, and have moved on to container gardens of around $24.99, family-size gardens, setting back customers $79.99 as well as a 4×8 feet raised bed garden, the raised bed not included, at $99.99. They also offer themed container packages with 3 container gardens at $92.99.

Product details:

  • The original item is a garden bed that can be unrolled and used when needed.
  • As mentioned before, the $14.99 version of the item has been removed.
  • The new range of items includes container gardens ($24.99), family-size gardens ($79.99), and 4×8 feet Raised bed gardens at $99.99, without the raised bed.
  • They also have a themed container garden pack with 3 container gardens at $92.99.
  • The company can be contacted at,
  • The company is based out of Middlebury, Vermont. 

Competitors of Seed Sheet

Some competitors of this company are-

  • Screamin’ Ridge Farm LLC
  • Etsy Inc.
  • The prairie garden Inc.

What is the net worth of Seed Sheet?

The net worth of the company had been $5 million at the time of its appearance in the shark tank, but now its net worth has supposedly gone up to $ 10 million as of 2022.

Is Seed Sheet still in business?

Yes, as of September 2022, this company is still in business, earning over $5 million in annual revenue. In the future, the company plans to further develop its e-commerce side of the business, by making customers able to input their zip code and then know what plants can be grown in their locality as well as making products to order to ensure service by making the item to order.

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What is Seed Sheet?

Seed Sheet is an easy seeding technology for home gardeners.

Who founded Seed Sheet?

Cameron Mackguler, the founder of Seed Sheet, came up with the idea of a roll-out garden when he was at his friend’s 80-acre farm in 2012.

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