Brush Hero Shark Tank Update

Kevin Williams and Glenn Archer have come up with an idea that could change the cleaning tool industry forever with their multi-surface cleaning tool that uses a special technology without using electricity or batteries of any kind.

But is it the only one on the market, and even if so, will the sharks invest? let’s find out.

Brush Hero at a glance:

Business ideaMulti-purpose cleaning brush
FoundersKevin Williams and Glenn Archer
Asked for$500,000 for 10%
Accepted dealNo Deal
SharksNo Shark
Business statusIn business
EpisodeSeason 9, Episode 18
WebsiteBrush Hero
Buy on AmazonBuy Now!
Brush Hero at a Glance.


Founder Story:

The founders of this company, Kevin Williams and Glenn Archer, had this idea when they were pursuing their activities of Mountain Biking and F-18 piloting respectively. Both thought that there should be a universal tool that could be used for any vehicle, but still not cause any hassle to the user.

After creating their first Prototype of the Brush Hero, they realized that their tool could be used for almost any surface and appliance as well. They started their company, and after some sales, come to the shark tank to secure a deal.

Did Brush Hero get a deal on Shark Tank?

The founders introduce themselves to the sharks, asking $500,000 for 10% equity in their company. They explain how cleaning and maintaining vehicles are such a hassle, but thanks to their product, Brush Hero, cleaning vehicular parts and surfaces becomes much easier. Lori and Daymond try the tool while Kevin Williams answers the questions posed by the sharks while saying that the product is sold at $34.99 and is manufactured at $6 each.

The sales were $ 3 million the previous year and they were projecting to make $ 10 million in the coming year. Mark then asks about their advertising costs and they say that they go through $400,000 to $500,000 for Facebook ads, which is more than they earn from the profits.

Kevin doesn’t think that the company is worth $500,000 for 10%, so he tries to put forward an offer of $500,000 for 33%, which the founders don’t want to take, so Kevin goes out. Mark and Robert are also not interested, so they are out as well. Daymond and Lori then put forward their offers, each offering $500,000 at a 25% stake, after which the founders leave the tank for a few minutes to discuss.

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 When they come back, Robert casts some doubt as to if theirs is the only company that sells these kinds of products, after which Daymond and  Lori start to hesitate. Lori tries to confirm with the founders but they try to reassure her that their item is unique, and they decline the offer when she tries to give them a loan of $250k at 7%, and $250k at 25%. 

What happened to Brush Hero after Shark Tank?

Even though the company did not secure a deal in the shark tank, the company still experienced the post-shark tank effect, with a large increase in customers, after which the company also managed to score 2 big partnerships with large retail chains, with Costco in the U.S and  Canadian Tire in Canada. Even after some counterfeit issues, the company managed to stay on track and keep moving forward.

Product details:

  • The product is a cleaning brush that uses the flow of water to create a spinning motion in order to ensure proper cleansing of surfaces.
  • The product costs around $34.99.
  • The tool can be used on a variety of surfaces and on any number of vehicles by using its unique torque technology.

Competitors of Brush Hero:

Some competitors of this company are-

  • Safelite
  • Summit racing Equipment
  • Carid
  • Weather Tech

What is the net worth of Brush Hero?

We know that the valuation of the Brush Hero was around $ 5 million per the founders at the time of appearing on shark tank, with the current revenue of the company being $ 6 million annually. With that, we can estimate their valuation at about $12 million.

Is Brush Hero still in business?

Yes, Brush Hero is still in business as of 2022, with their sales and revenue continuing to grow and their company continuing to expand to new horizons. We do not presently know about the future plans or projects of this company.

Brush Hero Social Links:

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What is Brush Hero?

Brush Hero is a multi-purpose cleaning brush. The founders of this company, Kevin Williams and Glenn Archer, had this idea when they were pursuing their activities of Mountain Biking and F-18 piloting respectively.

What's the net worth of Brush Hero?

We know that the valuation of the Brush Hero was around $ 5 million per the founders at the time of appearing on shark tank, with the current revenue of the company being $ 6 million annually. With that, we can estimate their valuation at about $12 million.

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