KidsLuv Shark Tank Update

Most parents always want the healthiest alternative for their children to ensure that they can develop their immunity. But did you know that even the most innocent-looking fruit drink may contain artificial sugars? Luckily Ashi has created her own solution to this problem with her own zero-sugar beverage, with added vitamins and eco-friendly packaging.

Ashi Jelinek came to the shark tank seeking an investment from the sharks for her zero-sugar beverage, Kidsluv, and it could have been great had it not been that she had fallen into a debt trap while trying to trademark it. Will the sharks invest?

Kidsluv at a glance:

Business ideaZero-sugar flavored beverages for children
FoundersAshi Jelinek
Asked for$200,000 for 8%
Accepted dealNo deal
SharksNo Shark
Business statusIn business
EpisodeSeason 11, Episode 15
Buy on Amazon Buy Now!
Kidsluv at a glance.


Founder Story:

The Founder of this company, Ashi Jelinek came up with her idea when she was taking care of her 3 children, during which she thought about how artificial sugar may harm children and how she should find a better solution for this problem and share it with the world.

This is why she set up her company, The Luving company and with her product, Kids Luv set out to help kids and parents alike. She then comes to shark tank to secure a deal.

Did KidsLuv get a deal on Shark Tank?

The founder walks up to the sharks with her son Phoenix and introduces herself and her son to them, and shows how much sugar is consumed by a child in a year, from just fruit drinks, which amounts to 20 pounds, which she pours on her son’s head! (He had a helmet on but still…) then explains how her product is enriched with Vitamins and has zero sugar, instead using Stevia as a sugar alternative, due to which it is loved by both parents and children alike.

She gives some samples of 2 flavors of her drink to the sharks, mango, and coconut, after which Mark and Barbara both remark that the aftertaste of Stevia is noticeable, but Ashi assures them that kids do not notice it, and Lori then asks about her background, to which Ashi says that she was from the Hotel management industry, and enlisted the help of a  formulator to help her create her product.

She then says that she has only done $150,000 -$200,000 in sales after starting in February of the previous year, and when the sharks ask how much she raised to start her business, she says that she has raised $1 million, to which Mark gasps in shock and when they ask how much she has left, she says that she has only $50k in the bank due to trademarking and distribution costs, which the sharks are not happy to hear.

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The chances of a deal seem pretty slim, and Robert starts it off by saying that he doesn’t think that he should invest in a company that has that much difference between sales and money raised, so he goes out, and the founder tries to reassure them that she can sell her item with her distribution, but they don’t believe her and Mark and Barbara go out because they don’t think she can sell. Kevin and Lori also go out because they think she fell into a debt trap. They wish her good luck and she leaves

What happened to KidsLuv after Shark Tank?

After appearing on shark tank, Ashi seems to have worked really hard to build her company after learning from her mistakes, with her products available on Amazon and at Walmart, along with a few other websites and stores.

Product details:

  • The product is a non-sugar, vitamin-enriched fruit drink.
  • It is available in 5 flavors, i.e. mango, coconut, peach, Guava, and Orange,
  • The cost of the product is around $2.4 per serving, with a 16-pack costing around $37.99.
  • The company can be contacted at,

Competitors of KidsLuv:

Some competitors of this company are-

  • Kool-aid
  • Capri Sun
  • Naked Juice

What is the net worth of KidsLuv?

The net worth of this KidsLuv is said to be around $ 20 million, which was a huge leap from the $2.5 million valuation during the Shark Tank pitch.

Is KidsLuv still in business?

Yes, KidsLuv is still in business as of 2022, with its sales and revenue continuing to grow. We do not know much about the future plans or projects of this company.

Kidsluv Social Links:

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What is KidsLuv?

Zero-sugar flavored beverages for children. The Founder of this company, Ashi Jelinek came up with her idea when she was taking care of her 3 children, during which she thought about how artificial sugar may harm children and how she should find a better solution for this problem and share it with the world.

What's the net worth of KidsLuv?

The net worth of this company is said to be around $ 20 million, which was a huge leap from the $2.5 million valuation during the Shark Tank pitch.

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