Geek My Tree: What Happened After Shark Tank? [Updated]

Geek My Tree are Christmas lights that literally transform the Christmas tree into a beautiful lighting show. The lights are animated and can be controlled, programmed, and synchronized by an app. They are designed for 6 to 8 feet tall Christmas trees. They have straight strands that can be wrapped around the tree and a ring that fits perfectly on top of the tree.

These lights are also known as the most advanced Christmas lights in the world. The product is made of excellent quality materials and no cheap lights, wires, or hardware are used in the product. The founder of Geek My Tree pitched the product in the Shark Tank episode in the year 2015.

Geek My Tree at a glance:

  • Advanced lights system for Christmas trees.
  • Founder: Brad Boyink
  • Asked For $225,000 for 25% at $900,000 valuation on Shark Tank.
  • Received $225,000 for 50% from Kevin O’Leary.
  • Currently out of business.


Who are the Founders of Shark Tank?

Brad Boyink founded Geek My Tree. He is from Grand Haven, Michigan. Brad was known for having the coolest house on the block. In 2006, he organized a synchronized light show outside his house and he posted a video on youtube which received a very positive response. That’s where he got the idea of starting his own business for Christmas lights. Then he started working on it and invented animated glow balls.

Brad Boyink
Brad Boyink

How was the Geek My Tree Shark Tank pitch?

Brad Boyink appeared on Holiday special episode (episode no. 712). Brad pitched this product on Shark Tank seeking $225,000 for 25% equity. While pitching the product he said that he wants to modernize Christmas tree lights by bringing excitement and fun to an animated outdoor lights display to the Christmas tree.

Mark and Kevin O’Leary were not happy with the price point of the lights. They doubted if people would want to pay that much money for Christmas lights when LED lights are already available in the market for a much cheaper rate. Other sharks Barbara and Robert thought that the lights are too expensive and no one will invest in them so, they refuse to take the deal further.

Brad Boyink
Brad Boyink at Shark Tank

Kevin who is also surprised by the cost still offers him $225,000 for 50% equity. Brad tried to negotiate it to 40% but Kevin says he will take the deal further only if he gets 50% equity. They end up finalizing the deal.

How does Geek My Tree makes money?

Brad planned to sell the lights for over $500 which is quite expensive for Christmas tree lights. He planned on selling the lights for $299 for a set of glow balls and $399 for the lights which are synchronized with music. Brad said the lights are expensive due to limited production runs. But it is possible to reduce the cost by 20% if he could make it to 10,000 units run. And if he gets more than 50,000 units run he would be able to reduce the cost by another 30%. 

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Geek My Tree Glowball Light Show Animated lights were available for $65 at Walmart and other online sites.

Later they added more products which ranged from $49 to $195. Their products include Party Pixels for $59, Glowflaxes for $89, Tree Effects for $49, and Musical Glowfakes for $195 making them the most expensive out of all the products.

What happened to Geek my tree after shark tank?

After Shark Tank, the company made a lot of progress. They launched Geek My Window and planned to launch Geek My Tree 2.0 in 2018.

But currently, their products are not available for sale. Their website and social media handles were updated in 2020 but there is no link available to purchase the lights. So, the company is out of business.

Valuation and Investors:

Geek My Tree made a lot of progress over the years. They also introduced Geek My Window and planned to introduce Geek My Window 2.0. But there is no update available currently about their valuation and revenue.

Kevin O’Leary finalized the deal with Brad Boyink and invested $225,000 for 50% equity. Kevin said he really cares about the product but wants to make money too.

To confirm the Geek My Tree product’s design and name are unique, Warner Norcross and Judd of conducted proper research. Janet Knaus and Chuck Burpee also helped Brad Boyink to establish trademarks, technology contracts, and patents before introducing Geek My Tree in the market.

Who are the Competitors of Geek My Tree?

Novelty Lights

Novelty lights is a brand selling Christmas lights for many years. These are LED lights and are available for a much cheaper rate.

Bulbhead is launched by Telebrands. Bulbhead calls themselves home to bright ideas. They have various types of lights.

Interesting Facts:

  • Brad Boyink was known for having the coolest house on the block. In 2006, he organized a synchronized lighting show outside his house. He gained a lot of popularity and attracted 70,000 people every year.
  • In 2013, he started posting youtube videos of his Christmas tree decorated with professional lights.

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Related Articles:

What is Geek My Tree?

Geek My Tree are Christmas lights that literally transform the Christmas tree into a beautiful lighting show. The lights are animated and can be controlled, programmed, and synchronized by an app.

Who Founded Geek My Tree?

Brad Boyink founded Geek My Tree. He is from Grand Haven, Michigan.

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