Turbo Trusser Shark Tank Update

Ever imagined the juiciest turkey or chicken for your next feast and the simplest way to cook it? Look no further than the Turbo trusser- A hook like a device used to cook chicken or turkey to perfection. This simple-looking device with hooks to attach to the meat serves as an instrument that you can use to cook in any appliance like a grill, rotisserie, and even oven.

Business ideaNon-GMO plant-based puffed peanut snack.
FounderBrian Brunsing, Max Brown. 
Asked for$100,000 for 10%
Accepted deal$100,000 for 33% and royalty of $1 in perpetuity.
SharksKevin O’Leary
Business statusIn business
EpisodeSeason 14 Episode 2
WebsiteTurbo Trusser
Buy on AmazonBuy Now!
Turbo Trusser at a glance


Founder Story:

The founders behind this no-brainer item are Brian Halasinski and Kirk Hyust. The two of them have the experience backing their product and have professions that justify the product and its uses.

One of them being a chef in a restaurant came up with the idea and was a product development expert while the other one is HIV therapeutic specialist. The two of them still work at their positions but desire to grow the company.

Did Turbo Trusser get a deal on SharkTank?

The chicken and turkey entered the shark tank seeking an investment of 100,000 for 10%. They start off by explaining how to use the product. Then they go on to explain how they came up with the product. The product is oven safe and can be used in grills, rotisseries, and even fryers available in the market.

They have made a total sales of  11,000 units sold and Kevin gets the opportunity to truss a chicken. Then the cooked chicken is served to the sharks. Next Brian talks about the profession he had in the past that led him to join kirk on the journey of this business venture. Kirk talks about his journey from being a chef to a contractor.

They next talk about the market they hold currently. There are a staggering 87 million turkeys consumed in Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas alone. They have their product in 75 stores currently and have done 90,000 worth of sales in the past eight and a half months. 60% of the sales happen directly from the website and 27% through their three distributors. They sold out their product in the distributors’ case and got 3 reorders. Brian believes they need help with online marketing.

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Mark can’t see if this product can scale. Lori likes the concept but doesn’t like to touch the chicken she’s out. Barbara thinks it is not a fit to invest therefore she is out. Kevin thinks he can help but due to his greedy nature, he offers them 100,000 for 33.3 % of the business with a $1 royalty in perpetuity. The two founders counter the offer two to three times but it seems Kevin is not ready to budge. Finally, the two of them agree on a deal with Kevin.

What happened to Turbo Trusser after SharkTank?

The Pair of founders updated their business and said they sold 100s of their products on the show night they aired and sales went for a few days after the show. It is available on Amazon.

Product details:

  • The two products are designed to show the meat they are used to cook.
  • The two products are dishwasher safe
  • Made from stainless steel.
  • Costs $14.99 to make.
  • They started selling in the year 2021 in march.
  • They have grown their business into 74 locations so far.
  • These 74 locations are mostly hardware stores.

What is the net worth of Turbo Trusser?

The net worth of the company before airing on shark tank was $1 million as per the founders and the valuation as per the Sharks is $300,000

Is Turbo Trusser still in business?

The company is doing well they have sold their product in 74 locations so far. They have been able to sell 1000s of their products since their airing on Shark Tank. This led to a momentary spike in sales. They still are in business and continue to sell the product on Amazon and on their own website.

They are still in business and looking for support to build on more and more. They have sold many from their website but it seems the social media influence needs to increase. The company hopefully can sell this useful device in the future.  

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What is Turbo Trusser?

Turbo Trusser is a non-GMO plant-based puffed peanut snack. The founders behind this no-brainer item are Brian Halasinski and Kirk Hyust. The two of them have the experience backing their product and have professions that justify the product and its uses.

What's the net worth of Turbo Trusser?

The net worth of the company before airing on shark tank was $1 million as per the founders and the valuation as per the Sharks is $300,000

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