The Original Comfy Tank Update

Brian and Michaele Speciale (yes, that really is their last name), have come up with an idea to keep men, women, and children of all ages and sizes comfortable in the shivering winter with their product, the original Comfy, which resembles a sweatshirt but is actually as cozy as a blanket!

But there is already a similar product in the market that is selling well, so will the sharks take a bite into this idea, or will they dismiss it as a knockoff? Let’s find out.

Original Comfy at a glance.

Business ideaSweatshirt with blanket material for comfort in the cold
FounderBrian and Michael Speciale
Asked for$50,000 for 20%
Accepted deal$50,000 for 30%
SharksBarbara Corcoran
Business statusIn business
EpisodeSeason 9, Episode 13
WebsiteThe Original Comfy
Buy on AmazonBuy Now!
The Original Comfy at a glance


Founder Story:

The founders of the company, Brian and Michael Speciale, are both single fathers.

One day Michael saw his nephew Saxon wearing his father Brian’s sweatshirt, the former noticed that the boy was able to fully cover his feet with the shirt and take his hands into the sleeves as it was obviously big for him, yet he seemed to look really comfortable after doing so.

This is when Michael decided to create a version of that item out of sherpa blanket material but for adults as well as kids.

They then set up their company around the item and with 110,000 units in inventory, they come to the shark tank in order to secure a deal.

Did The Original Comfy get a deal on Shark Tank?

The founders introduce themselves to the sharks as the “Speciale” brothers, asking $50,000 in exchange for a 20% stake in their company.

They then sing a song to the tune of “Tis the season.” in which they explain the merits of their product, which the sharks love.

They then pass out some samples and they all seem to like it, even though it seems like Mark thought it was a bit tight around his head.

They then mention that the item is brand new so there haven’t been any sales yet, with them planning to sell the item for $39.99 each, with $17 as the landed manufacturing cost which they can bring down to $11.

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They then talk about how they got the idea but afterward, Lori goes out as she thinks that the item is a copy of an already available item, called the Snuggie, which costs lesser than this. Mark also goes out as he thinks that there is a lot of work to be done.

Robert then decides to put in an offer but for a 50%, stake. Barbara then puts forward her own deal of 30% because she had earlier thought that Robert would make her partner in the deal.

The founders try to counter-offer at  25%, but Barbara insists on 30%. They then agree to the deal.

What happened to Original Comfy after Shark Tank?

After the shark tank pitch, the product was sold out within 24 hours. The company had done really well after that, also appearing on QVC where they also sold out of product.

The company has also gone on to partner with other major stores like Bed, Bath and Beyond, Amazon, Zippos, etc.

Product details:

  • The product is a sweatshirt made out of a Blanket which may seem a bit big at first but is so as to cover the entire body when in a sitting position.
  • The prices vary according to the type, size, and color of the product.
  • The company can be contacted at,

Competitors of Original Comfy

Some competitors of this company are-

  • Teem by I Office
  • roomzilla
  • AskCody
  • Robin

What is the net worth of Original Comfy?

They had revenue of about $20 million in 2021. The net worth of the Original Comfy is around ~$ 50 million as of 2022, which is a huge leap from their original $ 166,666 valuation while in the shark tank. Who knew such a simple idea could go so far?

Is Original Comfy still in business?

Yes, this company seems to still be in business in 2022, with around $ 15 million in annual revenue.

Original Comfy Social Links:

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What is The Original Comfy?

The Original Comfy is a sweatshirt with blanket material for comfort in the cold.

What's the net worth of The Original Comfy?

They had revenue of about $20 million in 2021. The net worth of the Original Comfy is around ~$ 50 million as of 2022, which is a huge leap from their original $ 166,666 valuation while in the shark tank.

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