Top Exits Of Y Combinator Startups From Day One

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YCombinator in short known as YC is one of the most desirable places for early-stage startup founders, till now YC has shaped more than 18 unicorns startups.

YC is a startup accelerator which selects a batch of startups twice in a year and provides them with a funding amount of about 150,000 $ at the equity of about 7%.

YC winter batch starts in January and ends in March while the summer batch starts in June and continue till August.

After getting selected in YC startups get reshaped into proper businesses with proper business plans and after three month period, each selected startup has to pitch on demo day for investment opportunities.YC is founded by Paul Graham, Jessica Livingston, Trevor Blackwell, and Robert Tappan Morris in 2005. Currently, YC startups have raised more than 25$ billion and its portfolio includes startups like Airbnb, Stripe, Quora, Dropbox, Gitlab, Doorbash, etc.

So these are the most beautiful exits of YC till now:

YesGraphhttp://www.yesgraph.comS16Acqui-hired by Lyft. YesGraph recommends exactly who a user should invite to an app. Our API can help boost the performance of sharing, referral, and invite flows
Elucifyhttps://getelucify.comW16Acquired by CircleBack. Elucify is a data service that provides free sales leads for startups/professionals
Redspreadhttps://redspread.comW16Acquired by CoreOS in Oct 2016. Version control for software environments
AppCanaryhttps://appcanary.comS15Acquired by Github. Appcanary monitors your apps and servers, and notifies you whenever you’re vulnerable
Auro RoboticsS15Acquired by Ridecell. Driverless shuttles. Safe and modern solution for in-campus travel
Bizzy.iohttp://www.bizzy.ioS15Acquired by Sendgrid in Mar 2017. The smartest way to boost conversions from your email list
Interviewedhttps://www.interviewed.comS15Acquired by Indeed. Combine structured job assessments and employee testing to identify the strongest job candidates
Paribushttps://paribus.coS15Acquired by Capital One. Find out for free if online stores owe you a refund
Zip PhoneS14Zip Phone lets users make secure, WiFi-enabled calls
Eventjoyhttp://eventjoy.comW14Fee-free ticketing, optimized for mobile.
Framed Datahttp://www.framed.ioW14Acquired by Square. Framed retains your users. Framed Data knows how your users behave and warns you when they’re about to leave.
Kimono Labshttp://www.kimonolabs.comW14Acquired by Palantir. Turn websites into structured APIs from your browser in seconds.
Wit.aihttp://wit.aiW14Natural Language for the Internet of Things.
DataRankhttps://www.datarank.comS13Gain Insights into your Customers and Competitive Market by monitoring the highest quality online data in real-time.
HackermeterS13Acquired by Pinterest. Hackermeter pairs talented developers with great jobs
Standard TreasuryS13Acquired by Silicon Valley Bank. APIs for commercial banks.
URXhttp://urx.comS13Add to every link and drive users to your app, mobile website, or desktop browser.
Weiloshttp://weilos.comS13Weilos is the most motivational fitness and weight loss community.
Authyhttps://www.authy.comS12Acquired by Twilio in February 2015. Authy makes it easy to add optional two-factor authentication to your application
BufferBoxhttp://www.bufferbox.comS12Acquired by Google for a rumored $25 million. Ship parcels to BufferBox for quick, convenient & secure pick-up anytime. Never miss a delivery again.
VoiceGemhttp://www.voicegem.comS12VoiceGem is the easiest way to send a voice message to anyone.
Carsabihttp://carsabi.comW12Carsabi is a search engine for used cars.
Exechttp://iamexec.comW12Acquired by Handy in January 2014. Exec lets you outsource the things you don’t want to do in life. Let our background checked Execs help you get things done today.
Flutterhttps://flutterapp.comW12Play and pause your music and movies with a gesture!
HackPadhttp://hackpad.comW12Smart collaborative documents. Company wiki. Personal notes. Event planning. Classroom collaboration.
Jellyfish Arthttp://jellyfishart.comW12We sell pet jellyfish in specialized aquariums
SocialCamW12Socialcam is a new mobile video application coming to both iPhone and Android.
Composehttps://www.compose.comS11Acquired by IBM in July 2015. Database-as-a-Service for hosting and managing MongoDB instances
Firebasehttp://www.firebase.comS11Acquired by Google in Oct 2014. A scalable real-time backend for your web app. Build apps really fast without the hassle of managing servers.
Glassmaphttp://www.glassmap.comS11Acquired by Groupon in Jan 2013. Glassmap is a simple, beautiful way to show your friends where you are and what you are doing.
Launchpad Toyshttp://launchpadtoys.comS11Acquired by Google in 2015. We’re creating digital toys and tools that empower kids to create, learn & share their ideas through play.
Munch On Mehttp://www.munchonme.comS11Acquired by CollegeBudget in May 2012. Munch On Me is a food discovery portal that connects people with great food at great prices in local communities.
Parsehttp://www.parse.comS11Acquired by Facebook for $85 MM in 2013. Cloud services for mobile developers. Parse lets you focus on creating unique & engaging apps. We take care of the rest
Rentobohttp://www.rentobo.comS11Acquired by Gusto in May 2016. Rentobo is a new tool built for landlords, managers, and agents of all sizes to simplify the process of finding and signing a new tenant for your rental property.
Snapjoyhttp://snapjoy.comS11Acquired by Dropbox in 2012. Snapjoy is an online photo library that imports your photos from anywhere and organizes them into meaningful memories of who, what, when, & where.
Stypihttp://www.stypi.comS11Acquired by Salesforce in 2012. Stypi is a collaborative real-time text editor similar to Etherpad.
TapEngagehttp://tapengage.comS11Acquired by Dropbox in 2012. You need a tablet strategy. We can help.
Grovehttps://grove.ioW11Acquired by Revolution Systems. Hosted IRC and so much more
Lanyrdhttp://lanyrd.comW11Lanyrd is a directory of conferences, events and speakers.
MailGunhttp://www.mailgun.netW11Acquired by Rackspace in 2012. Mailgun provides a web service for integrating email inboxes into apps.
Sendoidhttp://sendoid.comW11Acquired by Facebook in 2012. Sendoid is an on-demand peer to peer transfer system.
TalkBinhttp://www.talkbin.comW11Acquired by Google. TalkBin is a feedback platform for local businesses.
1000MemoriesS10Acquired by Ancestry in 2012. 1000memories is the new shoebox for your old photos
AdGrokS10Acquired by Twitter in 2011. AdGrok allows business owners to automate the process of choosing and bidding on keywords on Google AdWords
FanVibeS10Acquired by beRecruited in 2011. A social platform for watching sports and communicating with others who are watching the same game
Ganttohttp://gantto.comS10Gantto was conceived to fill one obvious gap in our weekly management routine
GazeHawkhttp://www.gazehawk.comS10Acquired by Facebook. Eeye tracking services using ordinary webcams
Rapportivehttp://rapportive.comS10Acquired by LinkedIn. Rapportive shows you everything about your contacts right inside your inbox
ReadyForZerohttps://www.readyforzero.comS10Acquired by Avant in 2015. ReadyForZero creates online financial software that helps people control and reduce debt
The Fridgehttp://www.frid.geS10Acquired by Google. The Fridge is a platform for lightweight single serving social networks for the functionality of Facebook
CardPoolhttp://www.cardpool.comW10Cardpool is a gift card exchange marketplace where anybody can buy, sell, or trade their new or pre-owned gift cards.
Crocodochttp://www.crocodoc.comW10Acquired by Box. Crocodoc is the trusted leader in HTML5 document viewing.
Etactshttp://www.etacts.comW10Etacts is a CRM for people – it helps you keep in touch with people in your address book.
Mertadohttp://www.mertado.comW10Mertado is a social shopping company that lets consumers discover and buy new products within the online communities that they frequent.
Movity surfaces geodata (crime, noise, pricing, etc) to help home buyers make better decisions.
Zencoderhttp://zencoder.comW10Zencoder is web-based video encoding software as a service, designed to quickly convert any video into web and mobile compatible formats
datamarketplacehttp://datamarketplace.comW10Data Marketplace helps people find, buy and sell data online.
Bumphttp://bu.mpS09Acquired by Google in 2013. Mobile applications and APIs that allow two smartphones to identify each other and connect by being bumped together
DailyBoothhttp://dailybooth.comS09Acquired by Airbnb in 2012. DailyBooth lets users follow their friends and update them in real-time through the use of pictures and status updates.
Flightcasterhttp://www.flightcaster.comS09Acquired by Next Jump in 2011. FlightCaster predicts flight delays
GraffitiGeohttp://graffitigeo.comS09Acquired by Loopt. Users leave brief reviews of restaurants, or just a thumbs up or thumbs down, like a highly condensed version of Yelp
Lingthttps://www.lingt.comS09Acquired by in 2010. Lingt is a service for learning languages that helps teachers enable their students to speak
RethinkDBhttps://rethinkdb.comS09Acquired by Cloud Native Compute Foundation in February 2017. The open-source database for the realtime web.
CloudkickW09Cloudkick is a centralized web-based control hub for cloud servers.
Divvyshothttp://divvyshot.comW09Divvyshot allows groups of friends to share their photos easily, at their full resolutions.
reMailhttp://www.remail.comW09ReMail is an email app that downloads all your email to your iPhone and offers a comprehensive email search.
Backtypehttp://www.backtype.comS08BackType is a marketing intelligence platform that helps brands and agencies understand the business impact of social media.
Picwinghttp://www.picwing.comS08Picwing is a photo sharing platform that enables users to share their photos through a variety of sources.
Posteroushttps://posterous.comS08Posterous was focused on making blogging simple – as simple as sending an email.
SlinksetS08Slinkset is a white label social news platform that allows anyone to start a social news site and integrate it into their own website.
280 Northhttp://280north.comW08Acquired by Motorola for $20 MM in 2010. 280 North was a web application company based on their application framework, Cappuccino
FathomDBhttp://www.fathomdb.comW08Acquired by Meteor in October 2014. Databases as a service, taking care of the many tasks database admins deal with, and letting them focus on more complex issues
Herokuhttps://www.heroku.comW08Acquired by Salesforce for $212 MM in 2010. Heroku is a multi-language cloud application platform, or platform-as-a-service
Omnisiohttp://omnisio.comW08Acquired by Google for $15 MM in 2008. Omnisio lets users annotate videos and mash various clips up
Anywhere.fmhttp://anywhere.fmS07Acquired by imeem in 2008. lets you upload your music collection and play your music anywhere from the web
Appjethttp://appjet.comS07Acquired by Google in 2009. AppJet ws an online programming tool for building simple web apps.
Clickpasshttp://www.clickpass.comS07Acquired by Yola in 2008. Clickpass made OpenID easy to use
Cloudanthttp://cloudant.comS07Acquired by IBM in 2014. The Cloudant Data Layer is the cloud database service managed by experts
Dropboxhttps://www.dropbox.comS07IPO (NASDAQ: DBX) in 2018. A file hosting service that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, and personal cloud software
SocialPicksS07Acquired by FinancialContent in 2009. An online community where investors share investment ideas with each other
Twitch.tvhttps://www.twitch.tvS07Acquired by Amazon in 2014. A live streaming video platform focused on video gaming and eSports
ZecterS07Acquired by Motorola in 2010. Zecter created technology to make it easy to share files with others over the internet
AuctomaticW07Acquired by Live Current Media in 2008. An auction and marketplace management system for individual sellers on sites like Ebay and Amazon
HeysanW07Acquired by Good Technology in May 2009. Heysan was a free mobile messaging and community
ParakeyW07Acquired by Facebook in July 2007. Parakey was a Web-based computer user interface
ZenterW07Acquired by Google in June 2007. Zenter provided software for creating online slide presentations
OMGPOPhttp://omgpop.comS06Acquired by Zynga for ~$180MM in 2012. A developer/publisher of multiplayer, social and mobile games. Created Draw Something
Xobnihttp://www.xobni.comS06Acquired by Yahoo for ~70MM in 2013. Xobni (the word inbox spelled backwards) makes your inbox and address book smarter
InklingMarketshttp://inklingmarkets.comW06Acquired by Cultivate Labs in 2015. Inkling provides a platform for companies to run their own internal or external prediction marketplaces
SnipshotW06Acquired by Ark in 2013. Snipshot is a photo editor that lets you start editing any photo with one click of a bookmarklet
Wufoohttp://wufoo.comW06Acquired by SurveyMonkey for $35MM in 2011. Wufoo’s HTML form builder helps you create online web forms
InfogamiS05Merged with Reddit. Infogami is a wiki application framework built on
Kikohttp://kiko.comS05Sold for $258k on eBay. Kiko was a web calendar for anyone who wants to keep and share a calendar online.
Loopthttp://www.loopt.comS05Acquired by Green Dot for $43.4MM. Loopt is a social service that connects people to their community
Reddithttp://reddit.comS05Acquired by Conde Nast in 2006. A social news website that displays news based on your preferences and what the community likes
TextPayMehttp://www.textpayme.comS05Acquired by Amazon for ~$3MM. An SMS payment service that lets you send money to other people using cell phone text messaging

So guys this was the list of startup exits of YC, hope you guys find helpful.

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